Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Many types of lifestyles are created to fit one's desires and needs. When I was introduced to a swingers club lifestyle I became inquisitive to find out further details about it. This sort of lifestyle isn't for everyone because couples don't desire to share their partner with others.  From my perspective, it seems like married couples are most involved in this lifestyle. Furthermore, I was so intrigued because I thought when a person is married sharing wasn't an option. I guess it depends on the circumstances in the union. It was oblivious that couples concurred with this sort of lifestyle collectively because it appeared to be working out in their favor. Also, several married couples participate in this lifestyle and concur that their marriage has become fulfilling for both parties involved.  Many individuals in marriages are unsatisfied and connecting with others in a swingers club setting of the same or opposite sex opens the door to novice adventure in their marriage.

In fact, many individuals disagree with the aspect of becoming participants in a swinger club, and I understand their point of view. However, others beg to differ because if you never tried something how can a person be criticized.  Some individuals live by a code or just have their own beliefs in retrospect to their boundaries.  If you were asked to participate in a swingers club to save your marriage or relationship would you? There are many factors why couples prefer not to become swingers. One may deem that their partner may indulge in the other couples in a manner he or she doesn't indulge in their own relationship or marriage. There's that fear factor again. Also, there may be an emotional connection because some individuals may not be able to disconnect without becoming emotionally attached.  We are human, and to become sexual with anyone initially is one thing but to constantly have sexual relations is something different to the point a person develops emotions for that individual. There are rules in the swinger clubs union but rules are made to be broken.

How does one approach his or her partner about becoming a participant in a swingers club? Those individuals who are swingers simply say if your partner is an open-minded individual he or she will not become offended. I deem one fear to ask their partner because It does sound like a person may be unsatisfied sexually when a question like such is addressed. Conversely, If one doesn't inquire he or she will never find out. Also, it is important to know your partner, and both parties should have a relationship so that he or she can talk about any and everything.  It is vital to be comfortable in your own relationship, and marriage. Additionally,  be forthcoming with what turns you, and your partner on or off sexually.

Moreover, becoming swingers is a lifestyle a couple may or may not want to explore for the rest of their life. I deem it to be a temporary fix but imagine experiencing this with your husband or wife. It will be something that couples may experience together in their marriage or relationship, and it will be an experienced couple will not forget. This was a topic I wanted to convey especially for those who are struggling in their marriage or relationship and would like to spice it up with something different.

By Kimmie Merritt
August 3, 2016