Sunday, October 15, 2017

How To Get Away With Murder 2

I've been an advocate of health for over 10 years, and I've helped many people with their health challenges in more ways than one. I think it is important to become health conscious, eat healthier, and have a dietary supplement program. If I don’t nourish my body with the minerals it needs it will not heal itself. The food chemistry has changed, therefore; I am unable to get the minerals from the four food groups such as 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 3 fatty acids. Also, it is the minerals that support the healing process in my body,. A lot of people are misinformed about why they are sick with a degenerative disease. In fact, lack of supplementing and lack of absorption is a factor in attaining degenerative diseases.

Some people are misinformed about why the body deteriorates. Please allow me to help shed some light. Also, others seem to deem age has a lot to do with the deterioration process but I beg to differ. Age has nothing to do with why the body is unable to heal itself or deterioration.  IT IS NOT GENETICS!" People develop degenerative diseases because people are deficient in minerals. Furthermore, what a person fuel their body with plays a vital role such as fast food, excessive consumption of alcohol, fried foods, smoking, drugs, wheat, rye, oat, and barley (gluten), Here's a scenario: think of the body akin to a tree. What happens to a tree if there aren’t any minerals in the soil?  "BINGO" The trees will not grow or the tree will become fragile and subsequently die. This is exactly what has happened to people in your family, and is currently happening

There are similar consequences the body goes through when a person does not supplement with minerals. If a person eats healthy, and supplements with minerals they will not have to worry about attaining high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer,  kidney failure, Alzheimer's, dementia, etc. If a person does not supplement they will surely attain a degenerative disease or die. If the doctors don't kill them first. (Surgeries, and medications). The body is made up of cells and all prescription drugs poison the cells. Also, the brain is 75% cholesterol, thus; if a person avoids cholesterol and consumes prescription drugs consequent Alzheimer's and dementia will be knocking at their door. LDL is not cholesterol but they are a protein that carries the cholesterol. From a biochemical viewpoint, cholesterol is a supreme anti-aging and growth-repair molecule. Cholesterol is a supreme healing substance and best friend to the body.   Conversely, kidney failure has nothing to do with the kidney. Kidney failure is a blocked artery. When there are blocked arteries that means the dirty blood isn’t traveling into the filtered units.

The government was sued because they attempted to undo the Desha Act Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. 

The government does not want people to have easy access to vitamins, and minerals.  Imagine if people understood the reason why supplementation is vital for the body, and no longer needed medications because the supplements replaced it. Desperate times call for desperate measures, therefore; there are options when it comes to health. As people, we merely do not take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us.  I believe some people still have a slave mentality such as they don’t want the knowledge in regards to supplements because they deem it not significant. Educating people about reversing degenerative diseases by supplementation- vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals will SAVE a family life. Medical doctors, government authorities, and pharmaceuticals are trying other alternatives to cause death upon people because death is a side effect of medications ultimately. No human being should die from a degenerative disease (diabetes, cancer, kidney failure, Alzheimer's, dementia) because they are durable.

In addition, people can help their families, and friends by stirring up the pot by educating themselves with the appropriate vitamins, and minerals.  Incorporating these vitamins and minerals into their life will help (mother, father, children, pastor, grandparents, friends, husband, and wife) live healthier and longer. We all have someone in our family who is elderly. The doctors are killing their elderly patients because they feel that their time is ending, thus; they need to make as much money as possible before their demise.  I know, the elderly do not believe taking vitamins and minerals to be significant because in their era the minerals were in the soils, therefore; consuming the food they planted had the minerals to feed their bodies. Presently, that is no longer the case.  The elderly are the ones who need to be consuming more cholesterol, not less. Again,  desperate times call for desperate measures.  It’s imperative to place the vitamins and minerals into your mother's, grandmother's, father's, and grandfather's diet to fuel their body before the doctors fabricate an ailment to make more money or kill them.  Why do we place trust in medical doctors?  We need to have more trust in our own abilities. Why not believe in yourself?


Cure high blood pressure by consuming calcium with a supplement program such as 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 3 fatty acids. In addition, change the diet such as no fried foods, processed meat, gluten, or oils (olive oil, coconut, etc.). Medical doctors have people believing high blood pressure is genetic but it is not genetic. High blood pressure is a calcium deficiency.

Finally, it's imperative to take back your health, and comprise a nutritional protocol. I am recommending a book that will help those who are suffering from a degenerative disease. Also, when you receive this book it is going to change the lives of you and your family from a health standpoint.  Go to Amazon to order the book" Dead Doctor's Don't Lie." by Dr. Wallach
References for further reading:
Kimmie Merritt

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Hands That Rock The Cradle

I received a video on Facebook that disturbed me because I saw this young girl slapping her infant baby.  She kept slapping, slapping, and slapping her child. The baby kept screaming and crying but she continued. I would like to know what triggered this young girl to abuse her child in this manner. I was thinking maybe the child wasn't hers. The young girl could have been babysitting the infant.  A lot of theories came to mind as to the role this young girl played in this baby's life. I couldn't believe what I was seeing because I have children of my own.

As a result of viewing the video, it prompted me to write this blog because I was thinking of other infants being abused. Also, I wanted to encourage other young mothers to be aware that child abuse is an act that should be dealt with. I know firsthand being a mother that motherhood can be extremely challenging. It takes a lot of patience, and learning from your experience. Also, it may become challenging mentally, therefore; if any mother senses that it has become unbearable do not be afraid to admit it to a friend or a family member.  Also, if there’s a mother who senses the desire to harm their child, call the authorities before taking steps toward abuse. Some mother may not consider striking their child abusive, however; it is in the manner in which you execute the act.  A young mother should never feel alone because other young mothers are struggling through a similar situation and, therefore; need a safe haven for their child.

Additionally, I think there needs to be a support system for these young mothers whose backs are against the wall, or when motherhood has become overwhelming. I am unable to place myself in this young girl’s stance, and assume I know what she was struggling with in her life, however; I can disclose if she had a support system the outcomes could have been different. A support system is vital for this generation of young mothers, and if a change doesn't come it is simply going to get worse for the next generations of young mothers. The only ones who will suffer are their children. It takes a village to stop the suffering by the hands that rock the cradle. 

Child abuse is a behavior that should never be tolerated. Having children is the most precious gift that any woman can possess. Many women are unable to have children and wish to be in a position to bring a child into this universe. Furthermore, child abuse is a criminal act. Some may think jail is the appropriate punishment for a person who abuses a child.  In my opinion, I don't deem jail to be the optimal punishment for a child abuser. What is incarceration going to teach the abuser? When a person is incarcerated without getting to the underlying problem that person will become a recurring offender. Why do people do the things they do is the million dollars question?

In conclusion, I am unclear what brings a person to their breaking point, thus; abusing a child is never the answer, therefore don’t be so quick to jump to your own assumption. I am looking to initiate a support system online for young mothers, therefore; I am seeking a village to support me in this venture. Please send inquiries to if you’re interested.

Kimmie Merritt

Friday, October 6, 2017

How To Get Away With Murder

We as a people must wake up from this nightmare, and educate ourselves on our health. If we don't educate ourselves on becoming healthier who will do it for us. I am associated with a monopoly healthcare institution, and I have noticed that many individuals' demise is akin to wildfires.  As an institution, we are supposed to enlighten our members on healthcare.  What a joke! I am bewildered by how the monopoly of healthcare institutions, government authorities, and doctors are getting away with murder by killing our (children, parents, pastors, friends, etc.)

I know there is someone in your family who is struggling with some kind of ailment. The doctors continue to manage the symptoms without discovering the cause of the ailment to eliminate the disease. As a people it is acceptable for our ailments to be managed, therefore; we continue to ingest these toxic medications that cause problems for our bodies, and we continue to see the same doctor that prescribed the medication that is further causing health challenges. This is why I say we are ignorant. When the doctor diagnoses us we as a people accept him or her at their word no question asked, no second opinion. We all have family members, friends, and children, who have died at the hands of doctors. Think about what type of ailment your loved ones were suffering from. Now instead of placing him or her in the doctor's hands as a person you should have stepped up to the plate, and challenged the doctor's diagnosis to save your family members but instead, you give the doctor permission to perform surgery or murder your child, parents, sister, brother, and grandparents, etc.

You must take your health out of your doctor's hands, and place your health in your own hands because if you don't you will be visiting your sibling, and family members' graves,s or your children will be visiting your grave. The ball is in your court because you have choices, and you have control of your own health. The way you take control of your health is by attaining self-knowledge with your health challenges.

Also, a second, and third opinion is required. Furthermore, I don't care what the doctors are conveying never, and I mean never go under the knife (surgery). I don't care how dire he or she makes it appear because it is never as bad as they make it out to be.  Remember, get a second opinion I can't stress that enough. Prescriptions are not the only alternative, therefore; they open your mind to a more holistic approach. Additionally, you have to alter your eating habits to a healthier lifestyle. Of course, it will not transpire instantaneously the most significant process is getting started. 

Moreover, I choose to be a vegetarian which means I do not ingest meat but I do enjoy salmon, shrimp, and fish. I am not a vegan. Everything is a mindset, therefore; if you put your mind to it you can accomplish the goal you set forth. I understand meat is a source of protein, thus; we must eat some source of meat. To replace the meat I take vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals. I deem vitamins, and minerals vital regardless if you are a vegetarian or not because we will never be able to get all the nutrients the body needs from the food we eat. To kill two birds with one stone it is vital to supplement because if you don't you will attain a degenerative disease (ex diabetes, lupus, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc). That's to name a few because there are many others. Your body will thank you for feeding it what the body is craving.

If merely you educate yourself you can put the doctors, and pharmacies out of business because you wouldn't need them. If you do not have to visit a doctor then they will be out of business. Right? Doctors aren't doing anything you can't do for yourself. Think about this when a person goes to the doctor, and the doctor conveys that he or she has diabetes. You have prescribed medication and the prescription has side effects to manage your diabetes for the rest of your life. The doctor has turned you into a drug addict.  Is this legal to do to those who are dependent on the medications prescribed to them? Why are we accepting this? The reasoning is you think there is no other alternative. Also, you trust your doctor and you don't believe your doctor will scam you out of money because your insurance pays for it. Well, your doctor gets a reward for every prescription he or she prescribes to their patients

The alternative for diabetes medication is chromium and vanadium. GNC, and Amazon, sell these supplements. I can go on, and on about alternatives.  When you are clean from the inside out the exterior will do the same because our body is designed to HEAL ITSELF.  This is to a healthier you... We can beat the system together and don't fall prey to this monopoly healthcare system. Also stop allowing the doctors to recurrently get away with murdering our friends, family, children, parents, and grandparents.

Kimmie Merritt