There are options one constructs in relationships that would build up or break down one self-esteem. How one is raised and one’s environment will be a factor as to why a man or woman may or not respect their partner in their relationship. I always felt if a man doesn't respect his mother he will never respect the woman in the relationships or merely women in general. Respect is a two-way street.
Firstly, respect isn't earned its given. If a woman doesn't respect herself a man will not respect her. Women pay close attention to how a man treats them. In my past relationships, I've come connected to verbally abusive men but I wasn't having it, thus I moved on. I will never tolerate a disrespectful man and you shouldn't either. Also, I've come connected to men in my past who on the normal disrespected women, and the women accepted it believing it was normal for their partner when he claimed to love them. Women NEW FLASH: that is not loved.
Secondly, It's vital to comfort whomever if you feel disrespected. Women if you don't comfort this type of behavior those men will think it's appropriate and will persist in their succeeding relationships till that man meets a woman who knows her value and will not adapt. Women you have to eradicate that disrespectful behavior at the root, therefore the behavior will not revisit. Some women consent and tolerate it for years till she has wasted years and sequentially move on. Moreover, the ensuing woman has to put up with the disrespect you dealt with because, in the prior relationship, it wasn’t comforted with him. The sequence resumes with him. I evoke composing in my other blogs that a man will regard a woman in the manner a woman allows him. That's a key dilemma when women ignore particular behavior believing that it is habitual. It's abnormal behavior when a man is disrespectful over and over. I've stated in different blogs that behaviors are taught, therefore women have to teach their partners how to treat them. The distressing component is many women don't know how they should be treated.
Lastly, People become allied to their environment, therefore, there's a motive for their disrespectful behavior. How is a person supposed to self-reflect and comfort the problem if they are not comforted by their partner in the relationship? For example, a person who lives in poverty may choose to steal food to feed him or herself, however, that is considered their means to survive. If comfort and transference were introduced that person would view themselves from a different perspective outside of the environment of poverty. The lifestyle we live alters the behavior, therefore how we act is embedded but that is not an excuse because the behavior can oscillate. Ponder on this that, it is entitled to converting the mind next the behavior will be transfiguring.
Kimmie Merritt