Monday, June 4, 2018

Father's Day

Father’s Day is a day for full-time fathers. Father’s Day is not for every man to claim. Some men are part-time or deadbeat fathers subsequently when Father’s Day arrives they want to claim the day. One day out of the year does not qualify a man to be a dad. A dad is a year-round adventure. I didn’t enunciate a dad is a job. Those fathers who compose excuses annually for not contributing ought to feel less than a man. Plus, when Father’s Day is approaching and others wish those men that make an appearance occasionally a Happy Father’s Day that’s undeserving to acknowledge the day. I understand Father’s Day isn't recognized as akin to Mother's Day but it’s bitter-sweet because a lot of children are in anguish because their fathers aren’t acquiring accountability. The rationale why it isn't recognized as akin to Mother’s Day generally is because mothers carry the child for nine months and subsequently deliver and nurture the baby that alone is a sufficient reason to love and respect the mother on Mother’s Day.
Additionally, a child doesn't need a part-time father. If a father is unable to be thoroughly effective he ought not to be in a child's life everlasting, other men can become a productive stepfather to the child. There shouldn’t be another man taking the place of the father when he is a willing able individual. When a father is inconsistent in a child's life it constructs a child to be unstable.   Also, the inconsistency doesn’t allow the child to become rooted in morals and values, therefore; the will to not learn in regards to fatherhood.  The child replicates his father's sad behavior. Is that the type of model one set forth for his child? The cycle continues! My theory why there are many irresponsible fathers because of fear the fear of failing especially when their father abandons and fails them. That's my concept and I may be incorrect, however; as a child growing up my dad was an exemplar of what a dad characteristic ought to be. This is why I am qualified and precise regarding the representative of fatherhood.
In fact, I differentiate Father versus dad because there’s a huge difference between them. Year after year there are fewer dads and more fathers. Why is that? The statistics are accurate about there are more fathers incarcerated than in the home. It’s a disgrace for a child or children when the majority and minority of the fathers are incarcerated.  Fathers’ simply don’t have any discredit and don’t take into consideration the humiliation that is connected to their child or children.
 Furthermore, to add salt to the wound the fathers that are at liberty are self-centered, egotistic, and selfish and only think about their own well-being. Some fathers who are incarcerated wish they had the same opportunities or a second chance for a redo to provide quality time to their child or children. I don’t get it! Do you? It’s to the point children are taking to the streets for the guidance that their fathers ought to be teaching them. There are many demised children or children who are ten feet under because of a lack of involvement and child well-being.
On the other hand,  I disagree with the mothers who collect child support from fathers but there are cases where the mother doesn’t have any other options. When fathers aren’t supporting a child financially and consequently not in that child's life actively the mother has the right to make the father accountable. Fathers can only fault themselves for the lack of support. A real man takes care of his responsibility.  The little boy claiming manhood evades their responsibility.
A responsible dad doesn’t have to be concerned with child support because he knows his child can depend on him for financial support.
A responsible dad A child doesn’t have to be concerned about broken promises.
A responsible dad will not allow his own lack of fatherhood to interfere with him becoming actively involved.
A responsible dad teaches his child to be an overachiever.
 A responsible dad does not make excuses.
 A responsible dad teaches his child the meaning of ethics.
A responsible dad guides his child from birth through adulthood.
A responsible dad has his own residence builds stability and teaches his child the same.
Lastly, this is for those dads who have gone above and beyond to make a difference in their children or children's lives by elucidating the fundamentals of family values and manhood to transition into fatherhood. I want to applaud you for never falling into the statistics because a dad is never-ending. You are appreciated on this day because you're deserving of it. You're truly the epitome of a father. Thank you for ending the cycle of deadbeat dads in your own family history. Some fathers aren't passing the baton of deadbeat dads". 
Kimmie Merritt

Friday, June 1, 2018


Many feel a sense of loneliness and it’s never a good feeling.  Learning how to overcome is life-changing. Many sense one time in their life some sort of abandonment such as child abandonment, marriage, friends, pastors, teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc.).
When one senses some sort of abandonment it transforms their lives if they permit it. One can alter that action of abandonment from a negative into a positive reaction by reconditioning their life event into possessing an optimistic outcome. Others may become inspired because of one’s life variations despite their life encounters. One would never comprehend the WHY as a child why their parents left him or her for dead. Right? For example, if one can foretell their future to view their life one would have lived with their parents and that life was horrific would it construct the abandonment valid. This is why I reiterate parenthood isn't for everyone. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. The first rule of parenthood is one has to present oneself as selfless not selfish. Sometimes attempting to understand why one is placed in a definite situation doesn't go well for that person who was abandoned because of his or her viewpoint of why the event transpired. I understand it is problematic for any child to discern why their parents placed others (for example drugs, men, women, alcohol, etc.) before them. I believe it's effortless for others to judge when they aren't in one stance. I am not communicating abandonment is the right or a choice in any given situation. I am articulating life happens and others deem there is no way out especially when there isn’t anyone supportive of their life.
Currently, some children are in a household that wishes someone would rescue or adopt them because of their sense of abandonment.  There are several ways one can sense abandonment and that is living in a household with parents but having a sense of feeling abandonment psychology. I deem that is the worst type of abandonment. Parents are supposed to love and protect their child or children, however, to live in a household that's detrimental is emotional and psychological abandonment. Abandonment comes in many shapes and sizes if one really analyzes it.   Never believe that one person is the only one who is struggling with some sort of abandonment because it's universal.  When one is abandoned in their mind they don’t permit others in. Also, one shelters themselves because he or she has developed trust issues. If one parent decides to give up on themselves and their child subsequently, stripping that child from conferring such as love, protecting, trust, nurture, etc. How can any child trust anyone else that comes into their life? That's a hard pill to swallow.
Moreover, communicating the title abandonment in a relationship seems to cripple the partner because of the fear that he or she may become abandoned again. Also, in relationships, it doesn't matter the wrongdoing because it becomes irrelevant, and therefore; he or she settles in that relationship because of that fear factor. The person who was abandoned has become imprisoned mentally without committing a crime. They are victims at the hands of their parents. Parents should be locked up from committing this horrific crime their child/children have to revisit for the rest of their lives.  Parent are living their lives without a care in this world. When their child or children whom she had forsaken are struggling for answers internally. Yes, the victim is deserving of fulfilling that void from a loving and caring adopted family.
 Kimmie Merritt
6/3 /18