Friday, February 19, 2016

Why Did You Get Married?

The majority of people become married because of the proposal factor at that moment. If their partner never proposed a woman wouldn’t become married. Also, in some cultures at a certain age, it is appropriate to become married. Some women desire to become married, therefore; the pressure is on for their partner to propose.  In addition, religious belief is a factor in why individuals become married as well. In this era marriages seem to be simply a TITLE without establishing that marriage is a union, thus; marriages end in divorce abruptly.   Marriages are failing because couples are unprepared to be married. Furthermore, being in a marriage isn’t a walk in the park, and that is discovered further along in the marriage. People just do not respect the sanctity of marriage in this day and age. Others prefer domestic partnerships because the belief is there aren’t benefits to being married. A person could decide he/she doesn't have the desire for that person anymore. Yes, it is just that simple There are several rational why a person divorces. Some people will marry and have an attitude if it doesn’t work,  it doesn’t work.  The divorce rate in the United States has plummeted. Actually, many people get married for the wrong reasons such as attraction, or loneliness, not love. People do not marry for love anymore, therefore; their marriage is unable to endure for better, and for worse. It is utterly sad for the children who are involved and suffering during this ordeal.  Subsequently, there are those individuals that stay in the marriage for their children but are quiet as it is kept their children are hoping they would throw in the towel because the children are unhappy as well. children want to escape the dysfunctional relationship.  Marriage is something a person should not jump into because marriage is not for everyone. Just because a person can get married doesn’t mean he/she ought to. In fact, being a wife is submissive, therefore; in this era, a SUBMISSIVE WIFE is a characteristic some women do not contain.

A wife needs to have a characteristic of a submissive wife. Also, a husband must be a provider in the union. When a wife exhibits a submissive attribute she displays that she is submitting to GOD.  Wives should comprehend that their husbands should take on the role of leadership in their marriage. Here’s a scenario in courtship when a man first meets a woman it is the man who asks the woman out on a date, not the other way around. Here’s another analogy when a woman goes out dancing it is the man who asks the woman to dance, and he leads on the floor. Now, it is understood that husbands are leaders in their marriages. Actually, wives are harmonious when their husbands take the initiative because it is preferred by their wives. There will be times when the wife may sense her husband does not deserve her submission for one reason or another, however; she should remember submissive was pointed out by GOD.  When a husband and wife work as a team in a marriage it displays a sense of happiness overall. When a wife is submissive it takes on humbleness in the marriage along with prayer. When that takes place the husband and wife are allowing GOD to take place in the unity of marriage.

A submissive wife honors, respects, and admires her husband.
A submissive wife corresponds with her husband.
A submissive wife allows her husband to be the king of his castle  (home).

By Kimmie Merritt

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