Furthermore, some people are so quick to say they are depressed in a situation, without making an attempt to cope or figure out strategies. It appears so easy to give up on oneself versus challenging oneself by bringing the best out of oneself. In life, there are going to be situations that are going to challenge the belief, religion, ethics, intelligence, and fundamentals aspects to the point of no return. However, a person has to fight the good fight of faith and persevere. What would have happened if Martin Luther King Jr, simply gave up on the challenges he came into contact with? Where would we be as a people (black/white)? Yes, in life there are going to be roadblocks and obstacles to the point that a person senses he/she doesn’t have the fight in them. A person has to believe that every situation he/she comes in contact with is just a TEST. Did you pass your test? A mind is a terrible thing to waste, therefore; when depression sets in a person isn’t in control of their thought process but he/she is allowing their thoughts to be in control of them.
Just imagine in the era of Martin Luther King Jr, if the men and women weren't robust mentality where would we be today. It is because of their mental strength mentally each of us has free will. Leaders are not born but made, and for a person to become a leader in life or in someone else life, he/she has to be durable. A person's mental capacity has to be like a time X watch such as “take a licking but keep on ticking”. When a person is in a situation, and the outcome isn’t what he/ she expected, it’s alright because a person has to look at it from the perspective of it being a learning experience. It’s considered the next chapter In a person’s life called “YOUR STORY” and guess who is the author YOU. You see how wasn’t viewed from that perspective. Every situation or circumstance a person comes into contact with is the next big chapter in his /her LIFE, and this is when a person keeps a Journal. Write down every waking moment when something has/had happened in their life, and it doesn’t matter what transpired. Write, write, write.
This is why when some people seek counsel, and when he/she are struggling with depression their therapist instructs them to keep a journal. When a person is dealing with life situations/ circumstances and keeping that ordeal bottled up inside it triggers them to become depressed because there isn’t an outlet. conversely, if that person can keep a journal of the events it alleviates via writing their thoughts down on paper. Remember, the says “take a load off” that’s exactly what transpires when a person keeps a journal. Depending on the severity of a person's depression several disorders don't require seeking a therapist. A person simply can go through the process and overcome their depression on their own with research on depression,
Kimmie Merritt
April 11, 2016
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