Monday, January 1, 2018

Online Dating

Some individuals sense the desire to try something different from the norm. Others like myself stepped out from the norm that triggered my curiosity, and in doing that it prompted explorations amongst the avenues of online dating.  In this era of technology, it permits individuals options in the online dating arena, therefore; online dating is extremely popular. Several individuals have discovered love, husband, wife, friendship, etc. 

When individuals are closed-minded to the availability or they become deprived thus; he or she isn't able to explore their options.  Online dating is an opportunity that presents itself abroad, therefore it should be taken advantage of for example if a person is introverted and doesn't feel comfortable approaching a person he or she deems attractive face-to-face online dating may be a start to help build up their confidence and self-esteem. Similarly, online dating will be the best approach when becoming familiar, especially for those individuals who struggle with their self-esteem and confidence. Individuals may take it slow because there's no rush. It can take years it depends on both parties. 
Several people meet others online without seeing them in person. Also, others start a relationship without meeting that person for whatever reason online. In addition, others have fallen in love without seeing that person as well. It may be because of the distance he or she isn't able to make an appearance. There are many reasons. Don't knock it before you try it. Everyone's experience is different. 

When I used to date online I never met any psychotic men. That's why I said each experience is different. Online dating can be a great beginning starting with a friendship or it can be a person's worst experience. I do understand people like to play games online. I've watched the show catfish.
Online dating may work out for you as it worked for me or it may not but you will never know until you make an attempt. A person may meet a good friend online who is a good listener. I understand what it means to be a good listener. As an intern, I participated online as a listener on this site called 7 Cups of Tea. If you want to know further about it google it. I am always open-minded to try something novice. When a person knows what they are seeking online it strikes a personal interest.  Like I stated before he or she doesn't have to formulate it to be in an arena for online dating thus it may be an arena for a prosperous friendship.  Eventually,  some friendships may develop into something further. Who's to say and who's not to say. Only time will tell and it depends on the relationship that is built on the friendships.

Additionally, the FEAR factor continually plays a vital role In attaining an optimistic standpoint with online dating. Also, the stories that are conveyed about other experiences online may be a pessimist viewpoint.  others may attain a different experience. What one may experience others may experience differently. What may work for me may not work for someone else, therefore; that's something to take into consideration.  Merely, do not go into it with a negative viewpoint especially when it is the first experience. In the past,  I've come across several friendships that developed into long-standing relationships from dating online.

Kimmie Merritt

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