The information in this blog is to inform those parents there are codes of good parenthood. l will not be able to convey it all in this blog, therefore, there will be others following. How a child is raised will determine him or her in the manner they develop. I recall conveying in one of my other blogs that just because an individual can propagate does not mean that individual ought to. Some parents seem to believe it is the teachers who are supposed to tolerate their children's bad behavior in school. Parents send their disrespectful child or children to school expecting the teachers to teach the child how to behave. The only reason a child becomes disrespectful is that the parents disrespect themselves, each other, or the child. A parent can't think a child should know how to behave when that child isn't taught in the home. Children absorb what their parents put out in their surroundings. Parents can't expect their child to act a certain way when the parents are ratchet and disrespectful. Parents are supposed to teach their children or children how to behave but they don't. It's not the teacher's responsibility to educate on how a child is supposed to behave in school but it is the parent's responsibility.
I've learned when a person becomes a parent it's no longer about self but it's about their child or children. I deem some individuals are too selfish to be a parent. Some may agree and some may disagree. I've viewed many children suffer at the hands of their own parents. Of course, some parents do not view it in that manner, and that is because some parents are self-absorbed. Some parents construct children to feel like they don't matter. Parents have failed their child or children to the point of no return. I understand some individuals didn't have a mother or father figure in their lives. It's unfortunate for him or her. I think if there is a family member or close friend he or she feels inspired by it can make a world of difference in that child's development phase. Sometimes circumstance transpires and that allows a family member to take the place of the mother or father. Sometimes that may be the best decision. Parenthood is not for everyone because a parent has to wear many hats. Parenthood consists of instilling knowledge of self, stability, nurture, affection, communication, a sense of security, providing, love, comfort, caring, morals, values, respect, support (emotional, economic, ), etc
In different cultures how parents raise a child/children varies from generation to generation. In my grandparents and parents' era parenthood wasn't a job, it was an adventure. Parents are not as robust akin to the parents back in that era. Parents today are disinterested, egoistic, materialistic, and possess no self-restraint. Also, some parents believe parenthood is a job, not an adventure. Parenthood is an infinite attribute. A person's experiences will teach them the etiquette of parenthood. When a person matures into parenthood, their attitude alters, subsequently, their childish ways cease. Anybody can have a child but it takes knowledge of self to be the parent that a child can idolize. There aren't any perfect parents but perfecting to contain a functional home will contribute to a functional child or children.
Conversely, the inappropriate age to rear a child or children, in my opinion, is 18-29. Ask the question. Why? When a person is between the ages 18-20 he or she is considered a young adult. The operant word is YOUNG, thus; too immature to take on the responsibility parenthood entails. Also, during the young adult's stage, they are developing, and discovering their sexuality, and what they want to do with their lives. Furthermore, he or she is exploring life, therefore; making immature decisions. During this phase in a young adult's life, he or she should be seeking college or vocational school to further their education. A diploma shouldn't be sufficient. A backup plan should always be in the works. If something does not work out he or she has an alternative plan.
Actually, at this phase in life having relationships during this phase is a no, no because it distracts a person. When a person during this phase is trying to figure out who they are, and what their desire is for their lives, and a relationship is established, therefore; a relationship will hinder that person. Now, that person has to be a concern for that person who he or she has relations with. It changes that person's initial plan for themself that was in place. Taking the focus off of knowledge of self. This is a distraction.
In conclusion, if having a child is in place without planning, he or she is further distracted because the child's concerns are first not the mother nor the father. A plan in place cultivates a person's life to be in control of each person's destiny without distractions. There will always be a time for rearing a child and a relationship. Parents ought to guide their young adults to evade distraction in their young adult phase and keep the focus on knowledge of self.
Kimmie Merritt