The most challenging aspect of incarceration is making sure the sons do not follow in their father's footsteps. Programs need to be implemented to educate on the pitfalls of incarceration. Also, implementing a negative aspect of prison life such as scared straight methodology. Additionally, lay out the numbers of the statistics of fathers incarcerated.
It has become an epidemic to see how young brothers spend their entire youth and adulthood incarcerated. Where has the system failed them? The system has failed them is the government is capitalizing on this tragedy. The fathers who are incarcerated aren't able to raise their children, therefore; it becomes a revolving door. Our youth need the means to rise above because the odds are against them. There aren't sufficient resources to keep the youth rooted and grounded.
Furthermore, the churches aren't reaching out to assist the youth to give them away out from the streets. It seems like it's every youth for themselves. The youth is supposed to be our future but that will be a myth if there isn't an intervention.
In every family, there is a father incarcerated. I am trying to wrap my head around this to find a solution to the problem. One may believe it is not their responsibility to teach someone else a child but it is our responsibility because as a nation we are in the same sinking boat.
Although it may not be your immediate family, however; there will be a time when your grandchild may be placed in a situation and may be connected to this epidemic. We know in every generation a family member is associated with the pitfall of incarceration, therefore; I know this may be new to you but brothers need to be true to it, and not forget where they came from. We've struggled our entire lives and you are still struggling to prove who you are as a black man.
Why haven't the black brothers stepped up to the plate to find a solution for these youth who were left behind before they became their father's keeper "locked up." The system is designed that way. I CHALLENGE every black, brown, yellow brother to be a big brother to a child whose father is incarcerated and teach them knowledge of self, and educate them on how to evade the pitfall of incarceration. This will be the biggest challenge ever to save our youth from imprisonment.
For those brothers that have a record. File article 23 "Expungement"
Kimmie Merritt
AWESOME POST!!!!! Keep them coming...