I love my black brothers, and I do not think some sisters give them the props they deserve. I understand some brothers appear not to have it together, but other brothers appear to have it together. With that being said, brothers who have it together are handed the short end of the stick. I am a realist, and it may appear I uplift my sisters, and I do, however,; I uplift my brothers if they are deserving.
Brothers who have knowledge of self know how to treat their sisters like the queens they are. Note: I said queen! The brothers who have knowledge of self aren't about playing games. These are grown-ass men. Also, brothers who have knowledge of self are not into the shacking up business.
They are about marrying a sister if that sister is worthy. Yes, I said it! It's a GAME. Brothers that have knowledge of self cherish the BlackQueen. He will always respect, protect, and, correct any man that disrespects her.
Brothers who do not have knowledge of self-play games. Brothers who have knowledge of self are men who are not Into the "games people play". Some sisters know how the game is played, however; because sisters fear being alone tolerate it.
Brothers who have knowledge of self recognize a woman who is down for her man (husband). Sister who recognizes her man has knowledge of self (husband) is down with her man. Sisters who recognize brothers who have knowledge of self-understand they are about their business. You see sisters don't have to ask their man to open the door for them because brothers who have knowledge of self already know that a sister walks in the door first. When a woman knows her man (husband) has knowledge of self she desires to do things for him because he is deserving of them.. When a brother has knowledge of self he makes his wife's life easier.
Brothers who do not have knowledge of self sit back and watch their girlfriend/woman struggle. Brothers who do not have knowledge of self seek a payback. Brothers who do not have knowledge of self have multiple women and men. Brothers who do not have knowledge of self do not want to marry but do not have a problem shacking up with a sister. It's their belief sisters don't know their worth.
My black sisters, now you can differentiate.
I want to say this is a man's world when a black man has "knowledge of self."
Kimmie Merritt
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