Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Currently, there are millions of people struggling with depression and are unaware of how to cope with this disorder. Yes, depression is considered a psychological disorder. Millions of people walk the street with some sort of depression.  Also, depression has several names but is classified as such “depression” (e.g. major depression, unipolar depression, and clinical depression to name a few). A person may convey he/she is depressed without comprehending the details of what he/she is experiencing at that point and time. Depression takes on an entire meaning by itself, for example, loss of pleasure or interest in day-to-day activities, mood declines, and it may last longer than expected depending on the individual severity.  Depression is used lightly without acknowledging the changes that take place in a person’s life when he/she is struggling with this disorder.  When I conveyed that depression is taken lightly, I meant that others never seek professional help to learn methods to cope. On the other hand, a person allows this disorder to consume them to the point that their life alters for the worse.

Furthermore,  some people are so quick to say they are depressed in a situation, without making an attempt to cope or figure out strategies. It appears so easy to give up on oneself versus challenging oneself by bringing the best out of oneself. In life, there are going to be situations that are going to challenge the belief, religion,  ethics, intelligence, and fundamentals aspects to the point of no return. However,  a person has to fight the good fight of faith and persevere.  What would have happened if Martin Luther King Jr, simply gave up on the challenges he came into contact with? Where would we be as a people  (black/white)? Yes, in life there are going to be roadblocks and obstacles to the point that a person senses he/she doesn’t have the fight in them. A person has to believe that every situation he/she comes in contact with is just a TEST. Did you pass your test? A  mind is a terrible thing to waste, therefore; when depression sets in a person isn’t in control of their thought process but he/she is allowing their thoughts to be in control of them.

Just imagine in the era of Martin Luther King Jr, if the men and women weren't robust mentality where would we be today.  It is because of their mental strength mentally each of us has free will. Leaders are not born but made, and for a person to become a leader in life or in someone else life, he/she has to be durable.  A person's mental capacity has to be like a time X watch such as “take a licking but keep on ticking”. When a person is in a situation, and the outcome isn’t what he/ she expected, it’s alright because a person has to look at it from the perspective of it being a learning experience. It’s considered the next chapter In a person’s life called “YOUR STORY” and guess who is the author YOU. You see how wasn’t viewed from that perspective. Every situation or circumstance a person comes into contact with is the next big chapter in his /her LIFE, and this is when a person keeps a Journal. Write down every waking moment when something has/had happened in their life, and it doesn’t matter what transpired. Write, write, write.

This is why when some people seek counsel, and when he/she are struggling with depression their therapist instructs them to keep a journal. When a person is dealing with life situations/ circumstances and keeping that ordeal bottled up inside it triggers them to become depressed because there isn’t an outlet.  conversely,  if that person can keep a journal of the events it alleviates via writing their thoughts down on paper.  Remember,  the says “take a load off” that’s exactly what transpires when a person keeps a journal. Depending on the severity of a person's depression several disorders don't require seeking a therapist. A person simply can go through the process and overcome their depression on their own with research on depression,

Kimmie Merritt
April 11, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Every woman dreams of becoming married once in their lifetime. Why? There are several reasons behind the nuptials but the truth about after the I DO hasn’t been told.  Nuptials are overrated because it is the way others perceive it. Firstly, many are unprepared for the novice life once they become married.  Others believe after the marriage their life stays the same. NEWS FLASH: let the truth be told! When two people join in holy matrimony it’s not about the solo aspect but it is about two people sharing the rest of their lives together in a union.  If individuals are prepared before the nuptials the marriage may last, however; because some individuals do not understand the concept of becoming married their marriage fails. There are some individuals whose customs encourage them to be married, although they are not structured to be a husband or wife. Simply, because in their customs others are proactive in their lives for him/her to marry.

Also, this is why further marriages fail. Everybody isn’t molded to be a husband or a wife because it is a process and a preparation. Some may determine becoming married isn’t for him/her but their parents insist on the marriage, and this further exemplifies why marriages fail.  A person shouldn't encourage a person to marry when that person knows becoming married isn’t for him/ her. If a person truly believes marriage isn’t for him/her they ought to stand their ground. A person should never allow other individuals to make them do something they will regret in the long run. If a person doesn't stand for something that person will fall for anything. That is why a person must have their own belief system.  When a person has their own belief system he /she will not be swayed because he/she will be able to stand on their beliefs.

Nuptials are beautiful if those individuals have a similar concept and reasoning for becoming married. Also, it is vital to have chemistry before a person marries because that will help them sustain throughout the marriage. When a person becomes married and allows God first, spouse second and family last their marriage is destined for greatness Also, when a person can think selfishly and think as partners or a team it makes the union satisfying for both individuals.

Furthermore, to be truly in love with your mate is a great feeling because there are many temptations, and when a person is tempted the love he/she has for their mate will surpass that temptation.  When a person loves unconditionally he/she can persevere through the worst times in the marriage. There may be times when there may be worse times before a union may see better days, therefore;  this is when unconditional love takes precedence to make the union stronger.

Actually,  it takes two to make any marriage work.  One person shouldn't be fighting to keep the marriage together, and the other is watching the marriage go in a downhill spiral. Therefore,  if the other person has given up the marriage has already ended. Should a person fight a losing battle in marriage To be in a marriage unhappy, and fighting to keep the marriage together is hopeless because the person who is fighting has already lost the battle without even realizing it? That individual might as well cut his/ her losses because to be married alone is the worst feeling ever.

This is the only life because tomorrow isn’t promised, therefore; never allow anyone to control your happiness only you can control your destiny. The battle is not yours it’s the Lords.

Kimmie Merritt
April 6, 2016